Rising Waters, Sinking Lands: The Plight of Natives American Group in Southern Louisiana
1:00 pm
– 2:30 pm
Join us Tuesday, September 28th at 1pm-2:30pm(zoom) to hear Dr. Ronádh Cox, Shirell Parfait-Dardar, and Devon Parfait talk "Rising Waters, Sinking Lands: The Plight of Natives American Group in Southern Louisiana".
Co-hosted by Dr. Janet Hess, Acting Chair of Native American Studies and Dr. Erica Tom, Director of Native American Studies
This programming is supported by the California Humanities (COVID) Recovery Grant funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities "Native Voices: Collaborating to Build Native American Programming."
Contact Dr. Erica Tome for a zoom registration link at tome@sonoma.edu.
Please let us know if you have any questions!
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