Undergraduate Graduation Application Form
This form is to be used by undergraduate students applying to graduate. It must be signed by your advisor and then the department chair.
Change of Major
You must contact the department for this form.
This petition form is to be used by students attempting to substitute a GE course. Please read instructions on the form closely.
This form is for students requesting an “Incomplete”.
Internship Learning Contract and Waiver Form
This form is used for students interning at an external organization or business. Students may sign up for a maximum of four units each semester. One unit is equivalent to 45 hours per semester. Please Save the form to Desktop in order to fill out and sign them digitally. The form must originate in the Department and be processed through the School office. Once completed with signatures, turn in the original copy to the Academic Affairs Scheduler.
Students are allowed to take up to a maximum of eight units of undergraduate special study coursework under a particular subject and twelve units overall. One unit is equivalent to 45 hours per semester. Please Save the form to Desktop in order to fill out and sign them digitally. The form must originate in the Department and be processed through the School office. Once completed with signatures, turn in the original copy to the Academic Affairs Scheduler.
Students are not allowed to enroll in any two or more classes meeting during the same time period. If this does occur the student may petition to enroll in both classes with the approval of the instructors on how meeting periods can be adjusted to accommodate the conflicting time. Please note: these forms are to be submitted during the add period. Both courses do need to be open in order for the form to be processed.
Petition to Add (after posted deadline)
This petition form is to be used by students who wish to add after the deadline. Petitions to add after the deadline are accepted for review when a student has serious or compelling reasons that prevented him/her from meeting the add deadline. Please note- the $20 fee is waived for the Fall 2020 term.
Petition to Take Additional Units
This form is to be used by students requesting to register for more than the maximum units set for the term. Please note:
- Students who have filed for graduation will have requests processed as they are received.
- All other requests will be reviewed prior to the start of the next registration period (usually in January for Spring semester and July for Fall semester).
- If you are petitioning to take extra units during Winter Intersession, please fill out the Sonoma State University School of Extended and International Education Petition to Take Extra Units form
Forms for Faculty
Additional digital forms for faculty (Change of Major for Impacted Majors, ARR Update Form, etc.). A login is required.
This form is to be used by faculty to drop students who miss their required attendance at the start of the semester. This form should be submitted to the Office of the Registrar no later than 2 days after the end of Add/Drop.
This form is for students requesting an “Incomplete”.
List of faculty eligible for three-year appointment
This form is to request a leave of absence for a future semester or the current semester. This form is required to be submitted within the first 2 weeks of the semester that you are enrolled in. If you are not enrolled in the semester or requesting for a future semester please proceed. View the Leaves of Absence policy for more information.
Petition to Withdraw from an Individual Class – after posted deadline
Petitions to withdraw from a class after the deadline are accepted for review when a student has serious and compelling reasons that prevented him/her from meeting the withdraw deadline. Please note- the $20 fee is waived for the Fall 2020 term.
This Form is for course repeat exceptions only. If you are repeating an SSU course (at SSU) for the first time, in which you received a C- or below, there is no need to complete this form.
Withdrawal completely from Sonoma State University – for total term
This form is to be used by students requesting to withdraw completely from Sonoma State University.
Concurrent or Visitor Enrollment (CSU) – for in-person classes at other CSU's
This application is to be used by California State University students who wish to enroll concurrently at another CSU campus.
General Petition for Waiver of University Regulations
This form is used to petition or waive University regulations such as retroactive withdrawals, GE unit requirements, catalog year, and more as outlined in the Sonoma State Catalog.